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Ready to register for camp? Let us help!

  1. Click the green “Register” button in the top right corner.
  2. Create a profile or log in if you already have one.
  3. Add a new camper or choose the camper from your household that you want to register.
  4. Choose from one of the following categories, then click “Save/Next” on the bottom right of the page.
  5. The weeks available to your camper will fill the page, named “Registration Selections.” Choose the dates/event you want to register for and click “Save/Next.” For example:
  6. If an option, choose the subprogram you’d like to add on to your registration (like horseback riding or yoga) then click “Save/Next.”
  7. Follow the steps to verify your emergency contacts, complete required forms, give medication information, and other requested information. Once these steps are complete and you click “Save/Next” you will have the option to register another camper or make a payment. Follow the steps as given based on your choice.
  8. Follow the steps to pay the amount required to hold your spot and/or register for the event.

If you have any questions or would like to pay with a check, please contact our office at or 208-886-7657.

What to Expect What to Pack Campership Request Form FAQ

Register online or by mail for any of Luther Heights' programs.