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Family Camps

Family Camps


All Ages Welcome

Family is defined as nuclear and extended family, dear friends, church family, and beyond, hence the plus!

Family+ Camp is designed to be flexible and accommodating for your entire family to enjoy the weekend in the mountains. This camp will offer Bible studies, staff-led activities, and free time to explore the trails, swim, and relax. At the end of the day, gather with others for evening worship.

2025 Dates:
July 3-6 with Pastor Kevin Starcher of Covenant Presbyterian
Aug 29-Sept 1 with Pastor Buddy Gharring of Hillview United Methodist Church

$190/per person—cabins with bathrooms
$165/per person—old cabins, detached bathroom, 5 and under free


Camp Tiny Feet is designed for families of littles that want to get up to the mountains without having the hassle of reserving a campspot or finding a cabin! Although Luther Heights puts on many faith based programs, this is one that will not have faith programming. Tackle a big hike with littles on your back or rest and swim at the lake! We take care of your meals and lodging, and leave the memory making to you! We will offer a variety of activities, from crafts and canoeing to board games, basketball, gaga ball, 9 square in the air, low ropes team building, and much more!

2025 Dates:
Aug 8-10

Adults and kids 6 & up : $150
Kids 5 & under : FREE!

Register online or by mail for any of Luther Heights' programs.