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Get Involved


Volunteering is a great opportunity to support Luther Heights Bible Camp. We have a variety of roles, many of which allow you to experience the beauty and community of camp.

Work Weekends

We love to host volunteers at our Opening and Closing Work Weekends. Join us as we open up or close down the cabins and facilities to ensure program space is properly taken care of for the enjoyment of others during the camp season. More information, including dates and how to register, can be found under our 'Programs' tab. All ages and skill levels welcome.

In the Office

From time to time, we ask for volunteers to help in our Boise office with various mailings or events. If you'd like to be on the email list for more information about these opportunities when they arise, please email our office at .

Health Care Manager

If you are a trained medical professional (M.D., P.A., or R.N.) we invite you to spend a week at camp as our Health Care Manager. Your knowledge and expertise in the medical field is important and ensures the health and safety of our campers.

The Health Care Manager role is a Sunday-Friday volunteer position. Your primary role will be dispensing medications and being on-call for first-aid and emergencies. Lodging and meals are included.

Contact the office at for more information.

Luther Heights offers one of the following: a $200 credit for Luther Heights programming (camp or retreat) OR a $200 honorarium for the week. Contact the office at to apply your credit..

Resource Pastors, Associates in Ministry, and Youth Leaders

If you are connected to a church or ministry, Luther Heights Bible Camp invites you to participate in our programs. Join us for a week or weekend at camp, helping to lead devotion, assist in worship or participate in Bible Study and be a resource for theological questions.

Contact the office at for more information.

Luther Heights offers one of the following: a $200 credit for Luther Heights programming (camp or retreat) OR a $200 honorarium for the week. Contact the office at to apply your credit.

Serve on a Committee

Interested in serving on our Marketing, Personnel, Property, Diversity-Equity-Accessibility-Inclusion (DEIA), or Development/Fundraising committees? Please email with interestes.

Register online or by mail for any of Luther Heights' programs.